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Series One

Tanya Friend, an award-winning photographer, has been featured in the Collective hub (2016), Outback magazine (April/May 2017), and Graziher Magazine (2018). Tanya has received many awards in her professional career. Tanya was also given the opportunity to meet Oprah Winfrey, who received the first copy of Series One Book.
Series one is enriching, quirky quotes, wisdom and compassion. It will be sure to make you smile and give you the power to journey through the lives of our everyday Australians as they share their steps through life. Follow online for all their stories and join the mailing list to collect them all.  Faces of wisdom, such a special gift to one who has it all. The most stunning black and white photography book of everyday elderly Australians and their quirky quotes. Digital prints are now available for family and friends. please email me directly to find out more.
Series 2 is available now!

Grab here delivered to your door or pop into the following store.
 Wagga Information Center.

New Series Two ~ Breed of their own

The Photos ~prints for family.

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